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Welcome to Winkelmann Ingenieurdienstleistungen (Engineering Services)

On this website you will find a constantly increasing number of online calculators of engineering tasks.

Please feel free to download and try our engineering software as well.

The following pages are available in english translation:

  • home
  • services
  • onlinecalculator main page (sub pages in german)
  • contact
  • references
  • about

Last actualisation: December 2010

In the category onlinecalculator the following topics are covered:

Topic: State:
basic calculations constant development, existing modules are tested
materials properties and other tables covering all online calculations
hydraulics completed July 2010

The online calculators are free to use for learning, training and calculation of commercial projects or any other way you think it might be of any help.

In the category services you can find:

personal publications, file format .pdf
hephaistos structural analysis for steel constructions and apparatuses
under development
AD2000 B1/B9, structural analysis for pressure vessel in cylindrical and spherical shape with nozzle according to german technical rule AD2000 Merkblatter B1 and B9
RPG Chat, an internet account based roleplaying chat with tools for dicing, editing of floor plans and positioning of tokens.


If you have any comments, or in case you have found a mistake please feel free to contact us!

Thank you and enjoy !

Jens Winkelmann Winkelmann - Ingenieurdienstleistungen (Engineering Services)